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A: Many insurance policies include towing provisions. You will need to check your policy or contact your agent to find if you are eligible for reimbursement.
V: Visa ja Mastercard
A: We do provide short term storage of vehicles. Pricing will depend on the particular vehicle and length of time you will need it stored.
K: Minulla on kaikki pyöräajoneuvot. Pitäisikö se hinata perävaunulla?
A: No, conventional tow trucks are equipped to lift all four wheels off the ground for towing.
A: Most importantly you should make sure that your vehicle is far enough off the road that it will not impede the flow of traffic or be at risk of being hit by passing vehicles.
Once you are safely away from traffic you should turn on your hazard lights. If you have flares or warning triangles you should place them on the roadside to warn other drivers.
If you have been involved in an accident and require medical attention you should immediately call 911 to request assistance. You should then contact your insurance company to begin the claim process.
You should gather up all personal belonging you do not want left in the vehicle. Depending on your surroundings you may want to wait in a nearby building until the truck arrives. If you choose to do this, make sure to keep your vehicle in sight while you wait.
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